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Hi, I am Ben

Ben Thornton

Multi-Body Dynamics Consultant at Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

I’m a passionate CAE Analyst with over 13 years of experience helping clients across various industries optimize their designs. I leverage my expertise in Adams to develop custom solutions, automate complex analysis processes, and empower clients to achieve significant improvements. I’m constantly pushing the boundaries to find creative solutions that deliver exceptional results for my clients. Let’s collaborate and bring your design visions to life!

Process Improvement




Columbus, OH | Remote

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division provides software, hardware, and expertise to help manufacturers optimize product lifecycles from design to production and service.

Multi-Body Dynamics Consultant

2020 - Present

  • Leverage expertise in Adams to develop custom solutions that streamline client workflows and empower them to achieve design optimization.
  • Automate complex analysis processes through custom plugins, significantly reducing client time and effort.
  • Use multi-body dynamic analysis in Adams to provide actionable insights that inform critical design decisions.
  • Equip clients with custom Python libraries and APIs, enabling them to efficiently script and automate their Adams workflows, fostering greater independence and efficiency.

MSC Software

2018 - 2020

Dallas, TX | Hybrid

American software technology company that specializes in simulation software.

Drilling Dynamics Simulation Consultant

2018 - 2020

  • Worked onsite at a major oil and gas company to drive adoption of Adams Multi-Body Dynamics software for drilling dynamics simulations.
  • Collaborated with the drilling optimization group to develop a method to predict failures using surface measurements.
  • Spearheaded the development of a user-friendly Windows application that leveraged Adams.
  • Empowered drilling engineers with no prior Adams experience to conduct design studies.
  • Provided tools for optimizing drill string configurations and setting operational parameters.


Columbus, OH

Private nonprofit applied science and technology development company.

Dynamic Systems Engineer

2012 - 2018

  • At Battelle, I provided versatile engineering simulation solutions for diverse industries.
  • I developed computational models of dynamic mechanical systems, supporting product development across a wide range of sectors like aerospace, defense, nuclear energy, oil & gas, and automotive.
  • My expertise extended beyond simulation as I also led the operations of Battelle’s vibration testing facility.
  • This facility played a crucial role in the Avionics Technology Modernization program by ensuring reliable environmental stress screening.
  • Additionally, the lab under my management supported equipment development projects across various applications in aerospace, automotive, defense, and packaging.


M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 4.0
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.7
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Marching Band


Mk44 Chain Gun
Mk44 Chain Gun
Principle Investigator 2021

The Mk44 chain gun utilizes a custom-shaped spring, known as the Rounds Positioner Spring (RPS), to quickly translate rounds from its dual feed paths onto the bolt face. This component of the feed system is subject to two primary modes of failure: feed jam and spring fatigue. Both failures are heavily influenced by the spring’s shape. Optimization of the spring geometry is challenging because the system response is highly nonlinear and sensitive to the numerous parameters needed to describe the irregular spring geometry. Northrop Grumman has historically engineered system improvements using a traditional simulation-based trial-and-error approach. In this approach, engineers combine their judgment and experience with simulation results to iterate on potential design improvements. Despite this manual iteration approach’s tangible benefits, it is unlikely to achieve a true global optimization when applied to a system with multiple design parameters, competing constraints, and objectives. It is simply too complex for engineers to efficiently assimilate the nuanced relationships between the numerous variables for such systems. In this project, the I fully automated the process of building models of the Mk44 feeder assembly in MSC Adams. I then used SmartUQ’s design of experiments (DOE) tools to prescribe the simulation runs needed for training an emulator of the physics-based Adams simulation. The emulator is shown to effectively predict system behavior for eight input variables and two critical analysis scenarios. Finally, the engineering team used the emulator in a nonlinear optimization algorithm to determine a spring shape optimized to reduce spring stress and propensity for feeder jams for multiple boundary conditions. The optimal design was then modeled in MSC Adams for validation and additional analysis. The emulator was also used in SmartUQ for further Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) analysis including sensitivity analysis and propagation of input uncertainties.

Defense Mobility System
Defense Mobility System
Principle Investigator 2020 - 2022

Investigated methodologies for enhanced prediction of ground vehicle performance on soft soils. Integrated physical testing with advanced soil characterization and modeling, culminating in a framework for improved performance estimation. This approach aims to improve mission planning accuracy and support real-time decision making through readily available mobility prediction tools.

Nuclear Reactor CAE framework
Nuclear Reactor CAE framework
Principle Investigator 2021 - 2025

Comming soon…

Multi-Body Dynamic analysis of Four-Axle Trailer
Multi-Body Dynamic analysis of Four-Axle Trailer
January 2017 - December 2017

Developed an Adams model of a trailer with a 105,000 lb payload to determine axle load margins. Studied effects of pneumatic ride height control while traversing a ramp at the Camp Navajo munitions storage facility.

Safety Study Regarding Double-Decker Motorcoaches with Rear Luggage Compartment
Safety Study Regarding Double-Decker Motorcoaches with Rear Luggage Compartment
July 2016 - June 2017

Section 5510 of Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, 2015 (FAST Act) required the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a study on the effects of attaching a luggage compartment to the rear of a double-decker motorcoach, with respect to safety of vehicle operations, fire suppression capability, tire loads, and pavement impacts. This report presents the results of that study. The study was conducted through a combination of analysis and tests with a double-decker motorcoach. The three conditions were a reference loading condition, a regulatory loading condition, and a maximum loading condition. The reference or baseline condition had the load for passengers and luggage but no rear luggage compartment. The regulatory condition had a payload identical to the reference condition, but a rear luggage compartment was attached. In the maximum loading condition the motorcoach, with a rear luggage compartment attached, was loaded to its gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). The rear luggage compartment did not affect safe maneuverability over the range of conditions tested. There is an unquantified concern that the compartment could contain heat in a severe engine compartment fire and lead to breaching the rear window. The tires and rims have adequate capacity for their loads. States must enact limits on tire and axle loads that are consistent with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations. The loads under all conditions may exceed some State limits with respect to the FHWA bridge formula.

Multi-Body Dynamic Analysis of Truck Mounted Missile Launcher
Multi-Body Dynamic Analysis of Truck Mounted Missile Launcher
June 2016 - December 2017

Developed an Adams/View model of a 10 ton missile launcher mounted to an Oshkosh FMTV chassis. Studied stability, loading, and power draw during launcher positioning.

Modular Aerial Spray System (MASS)
Modular Aerial Spray System (MASS)
January 2016 - December 2017

Supported the development of the next generation of MASS by delivering extensive advanced Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

Slosh Characteristics of Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs)
Slosh Characteristics of Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs)
October 2014 - March 2016

Engineering modeling and road testing were undertaken to ascertain whether the slosh characteristics of IBCs aggregated to 1,000 gallons or more are similar to a single or compartmented cargo tank of the same capacity. The results of this testing are being considered in determining whether there is a need to revise the existing rule on tank vehicle endorsements.

Automotive Shock Absorber Model Development
Automotive Shock Absorber Model Development
January 2011 - November 2011

The project objective was to develop a physical model of a Honda shock absorber and to validate this model experimentally with no more than 20% error. This task involved development of a system of parametric equations to describe the physical system. It also involved the identification of various system parameters using experimental and theoretical methods. One of the main parameters identified was the stiffness of the diaphragms that control the resistance of the hydraulic valves within the shock absorber. These diaphragms were characterized using finite element and experimental analysis. Several other parameters were evaluated experimentally including the bulk modulus of the fluid, the effective dynamic mass of the shock absorber body, and the coulomb friction force between the moving components of the system.

Adams extension for Visual Studio Code
Adams extension for Visual Studio Code

I developed an extension for Visual Studio Code which provides numerous productivity features for Adams users. The extension provides syntax highlighting for all Adams related input/output files, facilitates line-by-line debugging of Adams python scripts, allows users to run highligted Adams code or files in Adams View directly from VSCode, and provides commands for launching Adams View from the command palette.


This is an open-source python library which provides power tools for working with the Adams View python interface.


This is an open-source python library allowing users to submit jobs to an HPC cluster directly from Adams View.


This is a Python client library for the Rescale API. It provides a simple way to interact with the Rescale API from your Python applications.

Adams System Tray Utility
Adams System Tray Utility

This is a desktop application which provides a monitoring and control interface for Adams directly from the sytem tray.

Adams Docker Images
Adams Docker Images

Docker images for Adams Solver


The trade-off between computational efficiency and accuracy of various terramechanics simulation methods is a challenge that many engineers face when conducting analysis of off-road vehicle mobility. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) can capture complex phenomena within the soil, but requires substantial time and computing resources in comparison to the lower fidelity simple terramechanics methods such as the Bekker-Wong model. In this study, we propose a novel approach that seeks to strike a balance between efficiency and fidelity in simulating tire tractive capability in soft-soils. Our approach leverages DEM to determine Bekker-Wong parameters which encapsulate the bulk response of the DEM model and can predict accurate overall tractive performance. The process involves using DEM to generate soft-soil tire performance curves and using an optimization framework to determine simple terramechanics parameters, such as Bekker-Wong parameters, that best fit the DEM response. These parameters can then be used in other simulations for quantifying vehicle performance on soft-soil without the need for cumbersome DEM simulations. The results of the study demonstrate that the approach is promising with further refinement. Future work should focus on starting with more accurate DEM soil properties and scaling the method up to the full-vehicle level. If successful this work could ultimately provide a model with good predictive capability, while still allowing fast simulation times for agile design iteration and high run-count analyses.

This study seeks to improve upon existing methods of characterizing soft-soils for mobility simulations which use the Discrete Element Method. The study presents a novel approach for characterizing DEM properties based on Bevameter test data. The proposed method involves training a Reduced Order Model (ROM) to predict Bevameter results from DEM particle properties and using the ROM within a multi-objective optimization framework to determine the DEM properties which best fit a target Bevameter dataset. To demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, the trained ROM was used to generate DEM models meant to mimic the Bevameter response for a variety of field-tested soils. The accuracy of the resulting DEM models was evaluated using two validation methods. One in which the error in the resulting DEM properties is quantified, and one in which the error in the resulting DEM Bevameter response is quantified. The findings of this study provide compelling evidence that the proposed approach is a promising method for characterizing the properties of soil for DEM simulations using Bevameter data. The results indicate that certain enhancements are necessary for further refinement of the approach. However, once refined, this method is expected to offer a dependable and efficient means of soil model characterization.

Using Simulation to Prevent Non-Productive Time

This paper presents various simulation use cases together with a field example of how downhole physical measurements combined with a calibrated simulation running in a timely manner could have anticipated and potentially prevented the fishing of a drilling motor that twisted off. The timeliness of drilling decisions and how the characteristics of surface and downhole physical measurements affect simulation calibration and the influence of physical data on simulation fidelity are also discussed.

Optimizing Drilling by Simulation and Automation with Big Data

Drill string, drilling tool and drill bit failures are frequently incorrectly blamed upon the invisible geology through which they drill. Field engineers frequently report more severe downhole vibrations at rotation speeds other than those predicted by linear frequency-based finite element critical speeds analyses. The same multi-body dynamics simulation techniques used by the automotive and aerospace industries, however, are now being applied to capture the non-linear aspects of the drilling process and provide more realistic predictions of drilling performance. Simulation validation is achieved by comparing virtual data to physical data with an implicit understanding of the uncertainties of each. Recommendations are presented for improving the usefulness and the quality of physical drilling data which simulation can then also help assure. The ultimate objective is to deliver better quality boreholes which are less costly with fewer drilling tool failures. These novel simulation techniques are enabling manufacturers to benefit from lower development costs and shorter times to market with more reliable proprietary drilling tool designs. Drilling contractors are using simulations to optimize top-drive controls and drill more effectively. Product developers are able to configure higher performing and more optimal bottom hole assemblies. Operators are able to reduce overall drilling costs with the potential benefits of higher performing drilling automation systems and greater production from better quality boreholes.

Safety Study of Double-Decker Motorcoaches with Rear Luggage Compartment

Section 5510 of Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, 2015 (FAST Act) required the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a study on the effects of attaching a luggage compartment to the rear of a double-decker motorcoach, with respect to safety of vehicle operations, fire suppression capability, tire loads, and pavement impacts. This report presents the results of that study. The study was conducted through a combination of analysis and tests with a double-decker motorcoach. The three conditions were a reference loading condition, a regulatory loading condition, and a maximum loading condition. The reference or baseline condition had the load for passengers and luggage but no rear luggage compartment. The regulatory condition had a payload identical to the reference condition, but a rear luggage compartment was attached. In the maximum loading condition the motorcoach, with a rear luggage compartment attached, was loaded to its gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). The rear luggage compartment did not affect safe maneuverability over the range of conditions tested. There is an unquantified concern that the compartment could contain heat in a severe engine compartment fire and lead to breaching the rear window. The tires and rims have adequate capacity for their loads. States must enact limits on tire and axle loads that are consistent with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations. The loads under all conditions may exceed some State limits with respect to the FHWA bridge formula.

Slosh Characteristics of Aggregated Intermediate Bulk Containers on Single-Unit Trucks
FMCSA-RRT-16-006 01 August 2016

Drivers of cargo tank trucks need special knowledge of vehicle and load dynamics, including slosh, to handle their vehicles safely. This knowledge is reflected by a tank vehicle (N) endorsement to the commercial driver’s license (CDL). Drivers of vehicles that carry intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) aggregating to 1,000 gallons capacity or more must hold an N endorsement, according to current regulations. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires technical information to help determine whether to modify this requirement. This research used simulations and experiments to identify the conditions and extent to which a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) with IBCs behaves differently from a conventional cargo tank truck of similar capacity and load. The simulations modeled the slosh of liquid loads in a single cargo tank and several combinations of IBCs. The slosh was simulated both by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and by a simplified pendulum model that could be integrated with a commercially available model of a single-unit truck. Quantitative performance metrics showed that the effect of slosh in the IBCs was less than the effect of slosh in the 1,100-gallon tank in nearly all cases. Only in extreme cases were the slosh forces in the IBCs more than a few percent greater than the forces produced by an equivalent rigid, solid load. In the experimental portion of the research, professional tank drivers drove trucks carrying IBCs similar to those simulated. The drivers reported that, in the extreme maneuvers, they sensed the slosh slightly more than they would in a similar truck with dry freight.

Semi-Closed-Form Displacement Equations for Calculating J-R Curves from Pipe Fracture Experiments

The equations to generate a J-R curve from a four-point bend test on circumferentially cracked pipe have been known for many years. Given the experimental pipe load-displacement record and crack growth, the only impediment to routinely calculating pipe J-R curves is the requirement to know the non-cracked pipe elastic and plastic displacements. Traditionally, finite element analyses are used to find these displacements. This paper presents a semi-closed-form solution for the total (elastic plus plastic) non-cracked pipe displacements that eliminates the need to perform finite element analyses to calculate a pipe J-R curve.

Parameter Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis for an Automotive Damper Model

Physical models are commonly used in the automotive industry. Accurate models exist for most automotive systems. However, few accurate models have been developed to model the individual components of automotive suspension dampers. Damper modeling is challenging due to the complexities associated with fluid flow and clearance nonlinearities, fluid-structure coupling, and overall sensitivity to parameter variations. This thesis focuses on the evaluation of gas bulk modulus, oil bulk modulus, Coulomb friction, effective mass of the body and valve resistance. The effect of these parameters on damper performance are analytically evaluated. The results show that the model is most sensitive to valve fluid resistance. Two experiments are presented. In the first experiment a simplified loading pattern was applied to the shims using steel forks. In the second experiment the displacement of the shims was measured while fluid was flowing through the valve. Although these experiments did not match exactly, valve shim stiffness calculated from each experiment led to accurate results when the model was run with these stiffness values. The overall model accuracy is adequate, though further work is needed to improve the modeling of shims and other components.

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